About Me

I am a WEB developer who likes to build amazing Front-end and Back-end application from scratch. I build responsive stuff for web.

Avid believer in Open-source with keen interest in evolving startup scene. Hailing from the North-eastern part of India, I am a technology enthusiast learning something new everyday.

I love coding.

I get high on github.

Terminal is my best friend.

Atom is my sweetheart.

When I am not coding I usually travel, read blogs, take pictures, cook, listen to music and kill stupid people (in game :p). And I love chess. Have a game?

A WEB developer with 5 years of commercial experience in HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, PHP to produce creative and effective website.

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Tools of Trade

As a avid believer of open source , I love to use open source technologies.

Front End Development

Back End Development

Frameworks I ❤